Miracle food that cures cancer

When a person is diagnosed by a physician with cancer and had to undergo a series of medical treatment efforts. The person must be supported by eating foods that can membantuh cure cancer. Thus, treatment efforts undertaken by doctors can work better and more effectively.

Actually there are many other natural ways to help cure cancer apart from eating foods that fight cancer, one to cure cancer with diet alone. However, at this time I will share information about foods that fight cancer cells in the body. In fact, claimed to cure cancer naturally and effectively. Even so, there are still many who do not know what these foods. If you are you including, following the recommendation of food against cancer cells.

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In addition to vegetables from the sea, there are also vegetables prevent cancer such as cabbage and broccoli. Its function is to reduce the risk of cancer. These vegetables have excess to stop the growth of cancer cells of lung, liver, colon, breast, uterine wall and more. This could be because all the vegetables earlier contains a phytochemical called sulforaphane can stimulate enzymes that detoxify substances that cause cancer.

Vegetables from the sea


Vegetables are generally known as foods that have a source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are good enough for the body and human health. No wonder if the food types of vegetables can fight many types of diseases other than cancer. Special vegetables from the sea such as seaweed, kombu and nori known can make cancer cells difficult to survive because they have calcium and potassium, and as all minerals. In addition, they are also the richest source that provides iodine.



Chlorella (single-celled green algae) and Spirulina ( blue algae / green microscopic) are two of the algae that live in sea water, fresh water, and in places that are wet. Two of these algae is the most potent and proven to fight cancer, because they can boost the immune system needed during cancer treatment.

Medicinal mushrooms


Generally all mushrooms have a protein content, laccasa, peptides, and lectins. In addition, there are also other substances such as alkaloids, tocopherols, phenolic, folic acid, ascorbic acid enzymes, flavonoids, carotenoids, polysaccharides, and organic acids. All content is included in the content of anti-tumor and found in mushrooms such as reishi, versicolor and changa. Studies show all of these mushrooms can boost immunity for those suffering with advanced cancer.

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