Miracle food that cures cancer 1

Cancer is a disease that makes some people who experience fear. Almost every day a person is diagnosed with cancer. Whether it's lung cancer, careful, cervix, and so forth. Although some causes of cancer are currently not known with certainty, but it does not mean that cancer patients can only surrender to face this deadly disease. There are many studies that show that cancers can be prevented by living a healthy lifestyle.

Doings healthy living generally characterized by a regular life such as eating a healthy diet and regular exercise. It is actually not only can prevent cancer, but the research also shows that the right food can stop the growth of cancer cells that may someday be developed into cancer. Therefore, the following is a list of foods that fight cancer.

See also: Miracle food that cures cancer



These plants have an vitamin E are foods that reduce the risk of cancer of the colon, lung, liver, and other cancers. By eating peanut butter on whole wheat bread will help your body fight cancer. This is because the content in peanuts fitoserol serves to prevent and inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body.



Foods rich in vitamin C such as grapefruit and broccoli are very useful to prevent the formation of nitrogen compounds which are the cause of cancer. In addition, foods containing high vitamin C, may reduce the risk of cancer of the esophagus, cervix, colon and others.



Salmon (wild) is a source of vitamin D is good. Research shows that foods containing vitamin D can block the development of blood vessels that feed the tumor grows. Not only that, wild-caught salmon others can help stop the proliferation of cancer cells and precancerous.



A study in China said that green tea drinkers were more likely to have a low risk to develop cancer than those who did not. This is caused because tea contains catechin compounds that inhibit cancer growth.



Pomegranate may slow the growth of cancer cells because they have ellagic acid content. Ellagic acid can deactivate cancer-causing compounds lung, prostate, esophagus, and others. In addition to pomegranate, red raspberry, strawberry, blueberry and walnuts also contain ellagic.

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