Exposure to asbestos has always been considered as the cause of mesothelioma. Even asbestos has always been considered as the only cause. This view persisted for decades. Although over time began to be found other cases of mesothelioma are not related at all with exposure to asbestos. This will be a new challenge and must be solved by researchers and experts mesothelioma. Because there are many other possibilities that could be a risk factor for the emergence of mesothelioma.
Perhaps you already know that there is a cause of mesothelioma other than asbestos. As is the case with eronite could also be a risk of meothelioma. In addition, there is another discovery of mesothelioma cases are not associated with exposure to asbestos or eronite, namely exposure to radiation.
See also: Stage of mesothelioma cancer
See also: Secondary risk factors cause of mesothelioma
Perhaps you already know that there is a cause of mesothelioma other than asbestos. As is the case with eronite could also be a risk of meothelioma. In addition, there is another discovery of mesothelioma cases are not associated with exposure to asbestos or eronite, namely exposure to radiation.
See also: Stage of mesothelioma cancer
X-ray radiation exposure is other causes of mesothelioma
Several other of mesothelioma caused by radiation therapy have been found. A study in 2005 entitled "Clinical course of thoracic cancers in Hodgkin's disease survivors" ( P. Das, A. K. Ng, M. A. Stevenson, P. M. Mauch ), this study determined that patients with Hodgkin's disease who were treated with radiation therapy have a higher risk for the disease of mesothelioma. Starting with 33 patients with Hodgkin in hospitalized Harvard. Of these patients, 88 percent had a history of radiotherapy to the thorax as a treatment for their disease. Some patients have been found suffer from breast cancer in just over a year after being treated for Hodgkin's disease. While other Hodgkin patients have infected mesothelioma after more than 20 years later.See also: Secondary risk factors cause of mesothelioma
In addition to the study, more research on the relationship between mesothelioma and thorium dioxide. Thorium dioxide is a radioactive substance that is often used in conjunction with conventional x-ray to diagnose certain conditions. This substance is widely used from the year 1920-1950. Therefore, anyone who ever exposed to any form of radiation, such as x-rays or other types of radiation to patients with the treatment of their disease. Expected to always tell doctor about medical history and your employment history that may associated with radiation, even though it happened a few years earlier.
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